Freemasons Library and Museum

Welcome to the Library

You may search the library by two methods: The first is by entering keywords and searching the catalogue by Author, Title, Acquisition No. or All fields

Search: for a Keyword/phrase:

The other way you can look for books is by browsing the catalogue by a Topic

You can also specify to only look at books relating to a specific area of the world.
Note this will take you to the library search page, giving you the option to select a specific country.

Area of the World:





Welcome to the Grand Lodge of New Zealand Freemasons Library.

We stock a large range of Masonic publications, books, research papers and reports, many of which are from other Grand Lodges around the world. We have many rare and valuable publications. A limited lending service is available for research purposes.

We invite you to search or browse the library catalogue, and request an item or two that you would like to borrow. Once you have selected some items please proceed to the checkout where you can fill in your details.



Browse the library catalogue, and when you click on an item press the "Request" button to add the item to your list of requests.

Once you have selected some books to request, please proceed to the checkout where you can fill in your details.

A link to the checkout will also appear below the search results.

Once you have lodged your request, the librarian will contact you usually within one week.

Library items are usually stored it the Libraries in Ghuznee Street, Wellington and St Benedicts' Street, Auckland.  Visitors are welcome.

General Library enquiries should be directed to:

Honorary Librarian
VW Bro Clive Lloydd Dist GM

Refer to the Contact Page to e-mail Clive

Any problems with the lending service should be directed to the librarian.